Our Team

  • Jennifer Winfrey, Owner

    Jennifer Winfrey holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Central Oklahoma and is a Certified Grants Management Specialist, credentialed by the National Grants Management Association (NGMA). Jennifer has over 20 years of experience in government and nonprofit sectors. She has held many roles including executive leadership, finance, and board volunteer. Jennifer’s specialty is accounting and grant management. She focuses on organized, efficient, and accountable practices to enhance the mission of your organization and uphold donor confidence.

  • Dawni Brown, Accounting Specialist

    Dawni Brown is new to non-profits, but not accounting and she does a great job. She brings 30 years of accounting experience to Oklahoma Nonprofit Partners. Dawni has worked in industries such as Oil & Gas, Manufacturing and Utility Services. She started out in accounts receivables, worked as an accounting assistant, bookkeeper and accounts payables.

  • Emily Scott, Consultant

    Emily Scott has nearly 20 years of wide-ranging nonprofit experience as a volunteer, board member, officer, and executive director. She is a graduate the University of Oklahoma, and Louisiana State University, where she holds an Masters degree in Nonprofit Administration. Emily’s skills include nonprofit management, board governance, marketing and public relations, and public policy,. She focuses on helping organizations development their operations, board and staff policy implementation, human resources, marketing, fundraising and grassroots advocacy strategy.

Let’s work together.

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